Gary Sinise: Always Do A Little More
Directed by Kip Perry
Long before his role as Lieutenant Dan in “Forrest Gump,” Gary Sinise had developed a passion for the men and women who step into harm’s way to secure the freedom we enjoy as Americans. This film takes a look at the origins of Sinise’s commitment to the U.S. military, veterans, first responders, and their families, and his unwavering dedication to serve and support them at every opportunity.
Filmmaker scheduled to attend.
Director's Bio
Kip Perry has had thirty years of experience in production and post-production for both long- and short-form programming, producing literally thousands of hours of television across the country and around the world for NBC, CBS, ESPN, FOX, A&E, and a variety of other networks and channels.
Plays in
Tour the Festival
Local Film Showcase, Service, WWII, History, Vietnam
This collection of short films gives you a sense of the depth and breadth of what the festival offers.In This Program: The Colonel, Charlie & Sam, Gary Sinise: Always Do A Little More
Preceded By
Charlie & Sam
Ben Powell / WWII, History / USA / 2016 / Documentary / 15 mins
In 2016, fewer than 5% of American World War II veterans remain alive. Follow 97 year-old Word War II Naval Aviator Charlie Edwards as he travels to meet his old squadronmate Sam Takis for the first time since the end of the war.Preceded by: The Colonel
Precedes: Gary Sinise: Always Do A Little More
The Colonel
Tim Williams / Marine, Healing, Vietnam / USA / 2016 / Narrative / 21 mins
In 1969, Marine Colonel Hap Tasker is told he has a deficient heart that prevents him from future military service. He turns his disappointment into determination to sedrve his country by instructing youth in his “time honored values.” Meanwhile, Glen Meadows, a prep school in Fort Worth, battles rebellion, entitlement and bankruptcy. The school’s headmaster hires the Colonel as the athletic director and middle school football coach to unify the school by whipping the kids into shape.Precedes: Charlie & Sam, Gary Sinise: Always Do A Little More