The 2 Sides Project
Directed by Anthony Istrico
Opening Night Screening & Reception Featuring “The 2 Sides Project”
Museum of Photographic Arts
October 18, 2017 7:00 pm
The 2 Sides Project
AMC Mission Valley 20
October 22, 2017 3:15 pm
Follow the unforgettable journey of six U.S. sons and daughters as they discover a country and a people with whom they share a common history. In December 2015, American and Vietnamese sons and daughters—who had all lost fathers fighting on opposite sides during the war—held the first-ever formal meetings. The film captures the entire story, not just the transformative encounters, but the profoundly moving experiences these Americans had while visiting the sites where their fathers died, and the powerful encounters they had with the country itself.
Filmmaker and film subjects scheduled to attend.
Director's Bio
Always looking to make a connection, to bring people closer, and to provide a platform to those in need, filmmaking is the perfect place for Anthony. After studying and working in international relations and communications, Anthony walked away from the agency life to start Istrico Productions in 2010 and follow his passion to empower organizations and individuals through shared stories. Driven by the ideals of doing great work for great people, Anthony has chosen clients whose ideals align with his. Anthony’s definition of success is always changing.
At times success is distilling a complex message into a visually compelling, clear piece; at others it’s shining light on a strength someone didn’t know they had, or giving voice to those who didn’t know they could speak. “If our work can reach those who need it and inspire them, motivate them, make them feel as though they are not alone, than we’ve done our job.” As director of “The 2 Sides Project,” Anthony was able to bring together many of his passions to produce a story that uncovers unexpected strengths to inspire and empower.
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Dates & Times
Opening Night Screening & Reception Featuring “The 2 Sides Project”
Museum of Photographic Arts
October 18, 2017 7:00 pm
The 2 Sides Project
AMC Mission Valley 20
October 22, 2017 3:15 pm