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REDDOG, is a film based on true events of a U.S. Marine in Afghanistan while on patrol with his platoon. During the long hours of walking in the desert, the Marine becomes fatigued and unknowingly takes an unlucky step. While he waits for help to arrive, he goes through a series of flashbacks that give him hope for his chance of survival.


William Whitney, director of REDDOG, is himself first and foremost a United States Marine, having served from 2010-2014, with a tour to Afghanistan. While the overall story of REDDOG is authentic, Whitney has thrown in a few nods to things that happened during his own time in the military. Two of the actors are also, in fact, U.S. Marines that served in Afghanistan alongside him during his deployment. War is such a unique and almost indescribable experience. However, having gone and lived through it with the mind of a storyteller, REDDOG is just one of several short films Whitney hopes to make that brings his authenticity to military films.


Maria Aguilar – Producer
Perla Jimenez – Director of Photography

Plays in

Drama Block: Intense Stories of Service

This selection of shorts include projects that deal with stories of loss, survival, and resilience. International films are also featured in this lineup.

Dates & Times


Museum of Photographic Arts

Thu, Sep 26
7:30 pm